
The Harlequin, or the "Japanese" as it was first known, was first seen in the United States of America in 1928. Back then, there was no Magpie variety and only color was Black (Japanese). However, they did not really start taking off until 1966 after Blue Japanese were added.
Recognized Colors:
Japanese - Black (with orange), Blue (with fawn), Chocolate (with orange), Lilac (with fawn)
Magpie - Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac (all of them with white).
Shown as:
Japanese, Magpie.
The Harlequin is considered a 4 class breed (Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe).
A Harlequin will not be show quality if it does not have a discernible face split; if it only has a single is Dutch-marked; or if it is a Japanese, has any white spots or light or white toenails; or any ARBA general all-breed disqualifications as listed in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
In order to be able to be shown at an ARBA sanctioned show, a Harlequin which is over 6 months of age must weigh more than 6 1/2 pounds (bucks) or 7 pounds (does), but not more than 9 pounds (bucks) or 9 1/2 pounds (does). Most judges want them to be around 7 1/2 - 8 pounds. If the Harlequin is under 6 months old they must weigh more than 3 3/4 pounds, yet not over 8 pounds.
Recognized Colors:
Japanese - Black (with orange), Blue (with fawn), Chocolate (with orange), Lilac (with fawn)
Magpie - Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac (all of them with white).
Shown as:
Japanese, Magpie.
The Harlequin is considered a 4 class breed (Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe).
A Harlequin will not be show quality if it does not have a discernible face split; if it only has a single is Dutch-marked; or if it is a Japanese, has any white spots or light or white toenails; or any ARBA general all-breed disqualifications as listed in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
In order to be able to be shown at an ARBA sanctioned show, a Harlequin which is over 6 months of age must weigh more than 6 1/2 pounds (bucks) or 7 pounds (does), but not more than 9 pounds (bucks) or 9 1/2 pounds (does). Most judges want them to be around 7 1/2 - 8 pounds. If the Harlequin is under 6 months old they must weigh more than 3 3/4 pounds, yet not over 8 pounds.